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amazing shmup!!! Considering the screen resolution, I wonder if it will be ported to mobile devices...


I can't remember the last time I said "holy fuck" this often while playing something. Game's good

(1 edit) (+1)

This game understands effective minimal storytelling and uses it to give you one of the most memorable and epic adventures you will ever experience. MUST PLAY. Thank you so much for putting this in the bundle for Ukraine.


Absolutely one of the best shmups I've ever played. Clear, unique, interesting patterns that are manageable. Great aesthetic and crazy amounts of polish.



Game wont recognize my DS4

(1 edit) (+2)

Playable on Linux (Xubuntu 20.04 tested) and perhaps on OS X too:

Oh, PLAY on linux. I knew I had to check somewhere why this game isn't running. Thanks for the link, I couldn't open it at ALL.

Fantastic game! BUY IT!


Awesome game! Very fun to play!
Well crafted, beautiful to look at, engaging and varied soundtrack, replayability...

If you like shmups: a must-play.
If you don't know if you like skmups: a good introduction to the genre.
If you don't like shmups: try the demo ;)


How a game can be this polished is beyond me

I really like the encounter design! The tower crab in particular stood out to me as fun and clever!

I've played around 15 minutes so far and wow the presentation is SO COOL.

(1 edit)

Hello im having a problem where my xbox series controller is trying to control player 1 and 2 at the same time over bluetooth, any idea how to fix it? Thanks

Edit: i fixed it by changing the controller option to manual and xinput to no gamepad.

Best game ever created

A known quirk has existed since 2018 requiring anyone wanting to play with a controller and no keyboard to change the setting to "X.Input" and "No Gamepad" under "Gamepad" in the options menu, making sure the right side P2 setting is greened out. Kind of crappy that the developer hasn't addressed this in 4 years.

Looks really cool! 


U made me a A full-time game designer


This game is so good!  Presentation, controls, and game mechanics are spot on.

Does this game work on Mac through Wine?


Works on Linux through Wine, so it probably works on Mac too

(1 edit) (+1)

I just picked up the game, but it seems my download page is missing the Steam key.

Edit: Got it, thanks! Looking forward to playing this amazing looking game!


I'll forever love this game

not alone 


Would absolutely buy this again on the Nintendo Switch if it were ever to get ported. I use the Flip Grip accessory to play shmups and pinball in vertical TATE on the handheld and I think ZeroRanger would be perfect on a portable system too.

Yes! I use the Flip Grip / TATE mode too and wish there were more games which supported it. This would be perfect!

Thanks, I will do this.

When I try to start the game I get this message:

FATAL ERROR in vertex shader compilation

shader name: shader_palette

D3DXCompile failed - result

at gml_Object_the_controller_draw 77


Try updating DirectX, hopefully that'll fix the issue.

Update link:

80 dollar Tablet PC. This helped me. Thank you. Running well.


From the trailer alone, some of the best artwork I've ever seen. The sprites, backgrounds, cutscenes, everything is top notch. Love the color scheme and the music. Nausicaa reference in the opening scroll?

I wish I wasn't such trash at shmups so I could fully enjoy this game!

Probably a silly question, but I read that the demo acts as a sort of prologue - is that included in the full release? Already bought it, but wondered if I should play the demo, too!


Many of the demo's features were added to the recent WHITE VANILLA update, so demo isn't essential  as a prologue. However in terms of gameplay it still offers somewhat different,  if less refined experience so feel free to give it a go if you're interested!

Thanks for the response!


Would love Mac support, have been wanting to try this one for AGES

The devs previously announced that they won't port ZeroRanger to other platforms until they finish adding more modes.

(1 edit) (-2)

Hey, are you taking requests for the game from streamers? 

(1 edit) (+2)

A truly phenomenal shoot ‘em up game. As a shmup enthusiast I highly recommend ZeroRanger to newbies and veterans alike. Excellent in all regards!

I notice a few comments about a Linux version. As someone who daily drives a Linux machine, I understand, but don’t let that deter you from experiencing this truly great game. For the meantime without a native port, there are a number of options for running ZeroRanger on Linux:

I was able to get the game running great in wine, which is how I regularly play the game. The wine setup for ZeroRanger is pretty simple, and I wrote some documentation on how to do it on the Wine Application Database here:

I am not familiar with Lutris, but they have a page for ZeroRanger:

The game also works well in proton, though I have noticed a slight input lag increase running it through proton vs running in wine:

Just refunded my Steam purchase from yesterday to buy this version. The archivable copy is a dealbreaker.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

The game Is fantastic but it would be amazing If there was the possibility of being able to play it also on Linux and Mac


I agree, I would buy it if it was on Linux.


How do I use my ps4 controller to play this game? I have it connected, but I can't switch from keyboard to controller.


Windows doesn't support Playstation controllers by default, only Xinput(xbox controllers) and Dinput(controllers made for PC), so you'd have to download Joy2key



Steam has built in support for PS4 controllers. Just use the steam key for the game. Launch the game from Steam.


i am here bec of dunkey


So far I love this game! (only up to level 2)

Is there a way to quickly restart the game on game over? It seems I'm forced to go all the way back to the company title before I can start again. I can see that I'll be doing a lot of this...

Also, I had a bit of confusion with the names. I entered my name before playing the first game, but then when I died I was asked to enter it again (seems unnecessary already). The second time around I made a typo and couldn't work out how to backspace. I pressed "confirm" because I remembered first time that it asked me "is this correct?" before continuing. But this time it just went ahead and used my incorrect name on the high score table.

I will continue playing for sure, just wanted to share these while they're on my mind.

Really love this game. Can't get enough of crazy SHMUPs! :)

Tho I have a small issue: Since the last update (23122018) I cannot install the game via the app anymore. I can download it fine via browser, but not in the app. I am not sure why this may be, tho, my only guess is that the download isn't associated with an OS (Windows, Mac, Linux).

If you guys could look into it, that would be great. Thank you again for this game! :)

We indeed forgot to assign OS for this particular update. It should be fixed now, please report back if the problem persists. Thanks and sorry about the hassle!

Thanks so much for the quick reply. Updating and re-installing (checked both) works perfectly now!

Thank you and Happy Holidays to you! :)

(1 edit)

I have two problems playing the game:

How do you start multiplayer mode?

How do you modify the controls to use anything else than keyboard keys (e.g. my direct-input controller). Are these known bugs? Will they be addressed in a future patch? If you need more details I'll be happy to provide some.


The patch that addresses all of these is out now! Sorry it took a while.
Multiplayer can be started by holding Fire 1 on the other player's controls at any time, starting from MODESELECT.

Works fine now! Thanks!!!

If I may, what folder is save data located in? I've been having PC troubles as of late so I'd like to be able to continue my progress from where I left off if I have to back things up and move to  new machine/hard drive.

I'd hate to just leave this as my only comment so I'll add that this has been a phenomenal game so far and I'm looking forward to what surprises are still left in store for me.


And thank you!

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